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Another Sitting Supervisor on the way out

According to the Sacramento Bee, Supervisor Roberta MacGlashan will not run for re-election in 2016. Last December 5 Supervisors voted on whether Winco should be granted an off-premise liquor license.  The vote was about whether there was a compelling public purpose for the license despite the fact that the proposed sales site is located in a high-crime area with an over-concentration of to-go liquor sales outlets.  It was approved by a narrow margin with 3 Supervisors voting "yes" and 2 Supervisors voting "no". Of the 3 who voted to approve the liquor license, Jimmy Yee did so as his last act before stepping down. It now appears that Ms. MacGlashan will also not be around much if the store opens. Supervisor Susan Peters cast the other "yes" vote. Whether she will stand for re-election or not is unknown at this time.

Approval of the Winco liquor license was a long-term action taken by the Board of Supervisors. Now, it seems, the group of Supervisors who voted to make it so has dwindled to just 1 person who might be around more than a few weeks after the ribbon-cutting. (And, if she choses not to run, even that's not assured). In other words, our community could be stuck living with a giant grocery store selling to-go alcohol, the approval for which was given by only 1 sitting Supervisor and possibly by NO Supervisors. Either way, it's pretty clear that the notion of a majority of County Supervisors endorsing the project is a weak argument.

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