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Supervisor Peters Admits Ethics Violations

The Sacramento Bee has reported that the Fair Political Practices Commission's staff investigation of Susan Peters, who represents Arden Arcade and other areas on the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors, has concluded that she violated state ethics law. It was determined that Supervisor Peters received personal benefits from her votes on projects connected with the former Mather Air Force Base. According to the settlement document presented in the article, she has concurred with the findings and has agreed to pay a $9,500 fine for her transgressions. The settlement will be made final by the Fair Political Practices Commission at a future meeting. Some excerpts from the article:

"Sacramento County Supervisor Susan Peters and Elk Grove City Councilman Steven Detrick have agreed to settle ethics cases brought by the state’s political watchdog, according to documents released Friday."

"Peters violated state ethics laws by voting for the conveyance of land from the Air Force to Sacramento County and from the Air Force to the Sacramento County Office of Education when she owned property nearby, the FPPC found. She further violated the law by approving the demolition of blighted buildings near her property. "

"In a written statement, Peters said she has consistently sought advice from county counsel about her votes on Mather projects and there “was never intent on my part to run afoul of the FPPC rules and I regret making the error. I continue to review items carefully to avoid even the perception of making a similar mistake.”

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Sacramento County District 3 Supervisor Susan Peters (photo credit
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