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Shopping Amazon? Help the Community If You Do.

We sincerely thank those of you who participated in #GivingTuesday with a donation to your local nonprofit organization, the Advocates For Arden Arcade. If you missed that opportunity, or if you would like to practice charitable giving while shopping this holiday season, there is a very cool way to do it: Amazon Smile. Everything you can buy from can also be purchased from Amazon Smile, which Amazon's automatic way for shoppers to support their favorite charitable organization whenever they shop, without any additional cost. If you shop with Amazon Smile, Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to your favorite charitable organization. When you first go to Amazon Smile,  Amazon asks you to select a charitable organization to receive donations from eligible purchases before you begin shopping. Amazon will save your selection, and then every eligible purchase you make at Amazon Smile will result in a donation. We hope you will consider choosing the Advocates For Arden Arcade. You can find us by going to and typing "Advocates for Arden Arcade" in the search box. Or you can go directly to our Amazon Smile page at and click on "start shopping". If that sounds good to you, here's a virtual hug in advance and a big Thank You!

May contain: human, person, bike, bicycle, vehicle, transportation, machine, and wheel
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