Save the Date - Community Meeting on July 30th
Remember that odd meeting the City of Sacramento held last month to get input from city residents? The one where no one from the intended audience was there? The one where 100 or so unincorporated Arden Arcade residents showed up to tell the City of Sacramento to stay on their own side of the dotted line? A whole lot of people subsequently provided email addresses to ask for a follow-up meeting to clarify things. They wanted to know what the deal is with annexation and incorporation.
There will indeed be such a meeting. It will be presented as a public service by the Advocates for Arden Arcade and the Country Club Alliance of Neighborhoods, in partnership with the Greater Arden Chamber of Commerce. The meeting will be held at the Conzelmann Community Center in Howe Park on July 30th. The doors will open at 6:30, with the meeting running from 7:00 to around 8:45. A meeting flyer and a Facebook event will be posted soon.