District 3 - More 311 Complaints By Far
Us elves behind the keyboards of this blog are constantly mindful not to trash Sacramento County - to routinely try to make as nicey-nice as possible. Trust us, that’s not easy. It’s always helpful when others disrespect the County so we don’t have to. Have a look at the graphics below: they are screen grabs from monthly reports by the County’s 311 complaint desk. You will see that District 3 consistently, and by a large margin, has the most 311 complaints. 311, you know, is the County’s mechanism (phone and app) whereby citizens can tell the County about problems that need to be corrected. To be fair, 1) not everything reported is an actual problem and 2) it is possible that District 3 constituents are more inclined to report problems than constituents in other Supervisorial Districts. Keep in mind, too, that District 3 has a very large portion of the urbanized unincorporated area, the UnCity. From the graphs, you can’t see if municipal service problems exist in cities. You can only see complaints about municipal service delivery responsibilities of the County. But….really, don’t the graphics tell you that something is very wrong in District 3 compared to the other Districts? Do they show you that the County either doesn’t care about our area or isn’t up to the job?