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Filling potholes is labor-intensive, hard work

To the Editor, Advocates for Arden Arcade:

How many men and/or women does it take to fill a pothole?

Today the potholes on Ione Street were filled by a Sacramento County team of 3 vehicles and 5 personnel. Little did I know that the filling of a pothole was such labor intensive and exacting hard work!

From the site preparation, the cleaning, the special glue, the rigorous application of macadam, the smoothing of the dressing, the careful cleaning of the excess matter, to the roller compression of the medium, all completed in 10 or 12 minutes.

The personnel were attentive, brisk, yet had time for a brief chin-wag with this taxpayer. The concerning fact told me was that younger recruits aredisinterested in this vital type of work.  The shortage of skilled workers mending our roads is  having an effect on both skill levels, and County ability to keep up with the potholes.

Thanks to the workforce of pothole repair personnel I met today.  You’ve opened my eyes. Are we loosing the Human Resources needed to continue this work?  What can the County do?

Eugene B. Kordahl

Alta Arden

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