Memorial Tree planted in Howe Park by Parents of Murdered Children

Today, the Sacramento Chapter of the Parents of Murdered Children planted a Red Oak tree (Quercus rubra) at Howe Park near the pond gazebo in celebration of the start of National Victims of Crime Week. Supervisor Rich Desmond and the Sacramento County Sheriff's Chaplain spoke at the well-attended event. Doves were released and participants painted rocks to place at the base of the tree and attached memorial ribbons to the tree in memory of their loved ones.
Red Oaks have potential to grow 60-70 feet tall and 50-60 feet wide. To see how big a Red Oak can be, go to Cottage Park, which has two Red Oaks (by the picnic table next to the creek and near the arched bridge at the community center) that were planted on Earth Day 1990. The tree planted today in Howe Park was provided by SMUD. It is expected to grow similarly to the Red Oaks in Cottage Park. Red Oaks are good at carbon sequestration. They are sturdy, long-lasting trees that can live up to 400 years. As such, the tree planted today in Howe Park will be a real asset for the community and a fitting, lovely memorial tree.