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Proposed Site Plan for Creekside Middle School

The San Juan Unified School District has released two drawings of the new Middle School proposed for the site of the old Creekside Elementary School. The design is something like a size 10 foot trying to fit into a size 7 1/2 shoe. Among other things, shoving the athletic field as close to Chicken Ranch Slough as possible could require a 6 or 8-foot flood-prevention retaining wall. That's not good news for the houses across the creek and it seriously challenges the notion of a "nature trail". Then there's the "science outdoor learning" space that's about as far away from the Creekside Nature Area as possible. Wouldn't you think the nature Area's rare Blue Oak forest holds some potential as a learning resource (biology, botany, hydrology, etc.)? And take a look at the "Miramar Road Connector" that's essentially a cut-through street between Morse and Fulton using Miramar and Elvyra. The conceptual design sort of says the school district only cares about its property and is oblivious to the surroundings - never mind the consequences for the rest of the community. How do you feel about this?

May contain: neighborhood, building, and urban
May contain: neighborhood, building, and urban


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