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Pavement in Roseville

Today's Sacramento Bee has an article about paving projects in the City of Roseville entitled, "Roseville to resurface 65 miles of pavement in June". Roseville has a population roughly like that of Arden Arcade plus Foothill Farms. The article stated the city is resuming several paving projects that had been paused due to temperature-sensitive materials. It also mentioned improvements to curbs and sidewalks for ADA compliance. This is the kind of thing that a city can do routinely: focus on a specific problem area and get things fixed there. As much as we applaud Supervisor Desmond and his SACDOT people for their honesty in explaining the complexities of funding for transportation projects, it seems like cities are the ones who can actually get stuff done.

May contain: chart, diagram, plan, and plot
Residential area paving projects in the Sun City neighborhood of Roseville 2019-2024, from the city's website


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